I currently coach people to run, lose weight or just improve their fitness levels. And it doesn't matter where you live as long as you can share data with me. I have trainees from around the world all the time and they have done as well as anyone I have coached in person.
If you know what you are here for, please fill up the relevant questionnaire and I will get in touch with you, once you have done so.
My approach is to have an exploratory discussion with you over your goals and then figure out what is best for you, in my opinion. There's no one-size fits all.
I tell people that if they engage me as a coach, they need to wait for a minimum of 12 weeks or so, to see tangible results. However, it may well turn out that you didn't need to engage me as a coach for 3-4 months and all you needed was a 30 min consultation to figure out what's best for you.
I look forward to getting started with you on your journey of improvement and learning together.

You could be a newbie or an experienced runner. I have coached people of all sorts - someone who has never run before to run their first marathon to someone who was already running well under 4 hours for a marathon to qualify and run the Boston Marathon.
It doesn't matter whether you have a time goal or an event in mind. But you must want to run and want to get coached. The rest we will work out together
I'll need some info on your background.
Please click on the button below and fill up the questionnaire at the link. I use it to have discussions with potential trainees. I will get in touch with you soon after. We can speak after you've done so, sometime soon. Thanks

Weight Loss
Almost 80% of the runners I have coached were overweight when they signed up with me. So I worked with each of them to improve their nutrition habits in particular and lifestyle in general.
And at some point, we discovered that not everyone wants to run, but everyone wants to get fitter and losing weight was a significant first step towards doing so.
Most of them ended up making significant improvements to their health and fitness, thanks to their changed habits. You could be one of those.
​To be clear, when we say weight loss, most of us mean losing fat. While you may/may not lose weight on the program, you should be able to lose fat and get more muscular over the course of the program.
Before we get started, I'll need some info on your background. Please click on the button below and fill up the questionnaire at the link. I use it to have discussions with potential trainees. I will get in touch with you soon after. We can speak after you've done so, sometime soon. Thanks

My work with hundreds of people over the years, whether in one-on-one sessions or in group settings has made me realize that each of us has our own path to fitness. And that path is not something that is obvious.
We need to understand your lifestyle , baseline your fitness, understand what you can do and sometimes more importantly can't do, tease apart your motivations, etc before we embark on that journey of fitness improvement.
But before we get started, I'll need some info on your background. Please click on the button below and fill up the questionnaire at the link. I use it to have discussions with potential trainees. I will get in touch with you soon after. We can speak after you've done so, sometime soon. Thanks