Questions & Answers
This is a members only section. It lists some common questions from the people I am working with/have worked with in the past. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to get in touch to obtain the information you need, using the contact form on the home page.
This section is still being developed
Are you certified to coach?
I did get a Level 1 certification from the USATF, years ago. I also got certified as a personal trainer from ACE Fitness, years ago. Technically speaking, both those certifications are now expired. I have not bothered to renew them as I don't believe they add much value beyond the initial body of knowledge.
I also happen to believe that coaching is more of an art than a science
Do you offer remote coaching?
Yes I do. Nearly a third of my trainees have been coached remotely.
I have a pain in my leg. What do I do?
For starters, you could be a bit more specific. Then you could get in touch with me, if you can't find a specific response here
Do you coach children?
In general, no. But I have made some exceptions in the past for some young runners, based on the consent of both the child and the parent with the parent signing an indemnity release on behalf of the child